Saturday, 22 February 2014

Scene 2. Portal Lab

"Ahh, thank goodness for that," the guest thinks to himself. "I thought I'd walked onto the worst ghost train I'd ever seen".
 As you can see, the theming here is a bit more imaginative. The picture describes most of the ins and outs of the scene except for one thing; an invisibility illusion;

 Depending on the max size of mirrors available and the vibrations of them due to being in close proximity to a moving ride vehicle, this could be an awesome illusion. As you can hopefully see by the labelling of the mirror edges, it uses 2 large mirrors at 45 degree angles (these conceal a diamond shape tunnel). The biggest mirrors I have seen were in use in an illusion created by an artist called Leandro Erlich. If you search Google for “house mirror illusion” you can see his work and the mirrors he used.
 The wall, ceiling and floor must look the same for this to work.

As the car passes through the worm hole generator we pass through a laser screen. The laser effect unit is in the bottom so that the car cuts through the beam shielding the ride from it. The outside ring it says “particle collider” as a reference to modern science, namely the Large Hadron Collider.

Inside the diamond shaped tunnel concealed by the mirrors. The bend depicted here also seems feasible.
At the end of this tunnel there is bright strobing to create a general disorientation. This strobing must happen against pitch darkness or the effect is not as good.

Significant Theming/Effects
-The track being bendy/dynamic
-Beacon lights
-Warning signs

Note about dark coasters/“psycoasters”

While the track is quite dynamic, this is not a hybrid/dark ride-coaster. For those who do wish to build or just imagine one for any reason;-  your ride car/train must go SLOWELY through the dark parts/scenes. It’s well proven now, that when a coaster goes through a scene at 50 mph, the human mind can’t really register what’s going on. People are able to just about see what’s going on, but they generally don’t have anything to write home about because it all happened too fast.

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